Icebeat Winter Trophy 2024

welcoming show

we invite all the participants

to take part

We truly believe that Figure Skating competition has to be a celebration for skaters rewarding them for hard work, which is not seen for spectators.

So we would like to invite our participants to celebrate Figure Skating and take part in the welcoming show!


Exact time will be announced together with detailed time schedule.

What we will see?

You will see a performance followed by the flash mob dance. Dance steps for a flash mob will be available soon, so stay tuned.

Could I participate?

Of course! The welcoming show is free. All the participants and their accompanying persons are welcome to take part and dance along the flash mod dance!

Flash mob steps

Here are the flash mob steps to learn and dance along during opening show!
Skaters will be asked to join on ice, and spectators would be able to dance along in the stands.